Ecocaps, synonymous with innovation, research and development and progress in terms of technology in the industrial machinery sector for packaging, is also a careful and responsible company, which actively participates in the construction of economic, social and environmental sustainability in the fields in which it operates.
An overall vision that has always animated the initiatives and activities of the Cassoli Group, which looks at all aspects of sustainability, and a concrete and daily commitment, aimed at both economic development and the growth and well-being of the surrounding community.
Environmental sustainability
For years, sustainability and more generally respect for the local area and the environment have guided the strategies and operational choices of the Cassoli Group, from production to procurement and supply areas. The supply chain in which the Group operates has the duty and responsibility to commit itself to energy efficiency and environmental protection. The Cassoli Group itself is active on various topics:
- Constant research and development activity for the creation of latest generation “green” machinery and technological solutions;
- Systematic sorting and recycling of industrial waste, including paper, glass, metals and plastics. In recent years, an average of 90% of industrial waste has been recovered and valorised.
- Launch of systemic actions for the progressive reduction of energy consumption and emissions coming from the use of natural gas and electricity:
- Since 2018, the installation of a new thermal power plant has allowed a drastic reduction in gas consumption and CO2 emissions;
- A new photovoltaic system produces 70% of energy needs, while at the same time ensuring annual savings of around 120,000 kWh, equal to 60 tons of CO2;
- Replacement of the entire lighting system with low-consumption and high-efficiency lamps has reduced energy consumption for light sources by 70%, guaranteeing further reductions in CO2 emissions equal to approximately 30 tons per year.
Safety and well-being
Safety, well-being, respect for employees, and more generally for all collaborators and interlocutors, are among the founding values of the Ecocap’s philosophy. These principles have been implemented in the 231 Organizational Model, which orients the entire company operation and intends to create a common growth process based on:
- Safety: Ecocap’s works actively and continuously to define and implement policies aimed at effective risk prevention, to preserve the safety of employees and all other operators involved in production activities, and at the same time create safe products for customers;
- Well-being: the company works meticulously to ensure the professional and personal fulfillment of its employees, through listening and dialogue and by implementing actions and models aimed at building a motivated team. Similar initiatives are carried out to create relationships based on trust, transparency and mutual respect with suppliers, customers and other interlocutors, including local institutions and entities.
The relationship with the surrounding community in which the Cassoli Group operates are enforced by some activities for the most fragile and needy people and local voluntary associations.
Ecocap’s supports:
Ant Foundation: the group has been alongside the Ant Foundation for years in its precious oncological assistance activity in the area, now also through the purchase of Christmas presents made up of KM0 solidarity products.
Solidarity emporium il Sole: the Cassoli Group finances the association of volunteers based in Casalecchio which provides for the distribution of food aid and accompanying measures to guide and help people in difficulty. There are 120 fragile families in the area that the non-profit association supports through the distribution of food and personal and home hygiene products, and also by guaranteeing a point of listening and exchange between people,
- Christmas gifts: to fully share the value received, the company policy provides that individual recipients of Christmas gifts from suppliers and partners of Group companies make them available to the community of employees and collaborators, to whom they are redistributed according to fate, through a lottery.
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